
Home Studio

Situated at the rear of the property in Fitzroy North, the studio can be accessed via a bluestone laneway or from the rear garden of the main house.

We designed it to be a simple, functional building that complements the existing family home. The studio features a carport, a bathroom, and a studio space. The upper level provides views across the rooftops of Fitzroy North.

To conserve water, we concealed rainwater tanks on both sides of the building. The garden between the original house and studio is a unique feature of the project.

The two buildings enclose the garden, creating a special space that connects them. The builders, a father and son team, were committed to attention to detail, despite COVID-related delays, Cardross Builders took on the challenge with enthusiasm and dedication.

In the carport area, we designed a lofty ceiling that can accommodate storage for sports equipment like bikes and surfboards. We made provisions for hoists to be installed, allowing items to be hung over the car. To ensure that cars can turn into the narrow laneway, we took extra care with the design.

For the external cladding, we chose Shou Sugi Ban, a traditional Japanese method of charring timber to protect it against weathering. This material is highly resilient and can withstand sun, wind, and rain.

The horizontal crossbeams attached on top of the cladding will provide support for vines to grow up the facade.

Overall, this project is an example of our commitment to functional, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing design.

Project Team
Niea Nadya
Project Type
Home Studio
Fitzroy North / City of Yarra
Cardross Builders – Duncan
Building Surveyor
GE Building Surveyors
Land Surveyor
Adept Surveying – Jeremey Pearce
Structural Engineer
Maurice Farrugia & Associates

Framing diagram of our home studio project.

View from laneway, entrance to undercover carport

View from laneway, entrance to undercover carport

Internal staircase and window onto garden, Fitzroy North Studio

Internal staircase and window onto garden, Home Studio

Warm, multi-dimnensional lighting provides intimacy

Warm, multi-dimnensional lighting provides intimacy

Client Brief
Studio, Bathroom, 1 Under Cover Car Space
Building Area
Energy Rating
Deemed To Satisfy
Main Materials
Timber, Shou Sugi Ban Cladding
Katya Menshikova

Our Clients' Own Words 2023

Our energy bills are roughly half of previous. Artificial augmentation of heating and cooling has been minimal so far – though we’re in that autumn period where it’s neither super hot or cold.


Nonetheless, the retention of masonry and the thermal mass it provides + the double glazing and insulation means that the interior temperature is very stable. We are very glad we got into the house when we did – things went pear-shaped in the world not long after, and working from home here is a pleasure whereas we’d have been going stark staring mad in the original house or the rental.

A number of friends came to look at the place – all of them have commented that they can see the hand of an architect in it (and said in a positive way!). It’s exceeded our expectations all around. Once we’ve been in for a full year and seen the way it works through the seasons I’ll no doubt appreciate it even more, but the view lines and alignment of windows and the way light comes through is fantastic. The yellow feature wall works really well – it adds a golden cast to the light as the sun comes through. Alas a photo doesn’t do it justice.

Framing diagram of our home studio project.

Visitors have been interested in the modernist colour scheme & in the use of low-maintenance surfaces. The lack of grout has had many who clean those surfaces regularly waxing lyrical (me being one of them – it seems impossible to clean grout properly without eventually destroying it).

We’ve ended up repurposing the rain garden as a herb garden by just leaving enough rocks in it to stop soil washing away when a deluge comes. We’ve also been using it for vermiculture by embedding a couple of in-ground worm-farms in it so we can do on-site composting. Between the two we’ve got a wide variety of herbs growing successfully where we couldn’t before. Worms seem to be much better than just adding fertilizer. I mention the rain garden and our use for it because it’s not something we would have had unless Yarra had insisted, but it’s actually been a positive, so that experience might be useful to other of your clients. So – we’re all well and happy to be home at this end.

Home Studio